Well, tonight should mark the end of the involvement of the original four founders of wtf as the station will be taken over by some very able and resourceful technicians. I, speaking for all the Richard Phittswells involved, wish them the best and hope that their project will be a benefit to buffalo's new low power radio community. We the Free Buffalo will hopefully have a revival soon as an online all local station, and plans are in the works for uptown.
please support your local low power radio stations, I know ours got out of hand, but it was created out of love for this scene,the music,and the people involved. Free speech is a powerful thing, and in this day and age, amplification is necessary.
Thank you to all the people who supported the project in its early days, without your input, talent, time, space, and music our playlists would have been very short. Also thanks to Democracy Now for allowing us to broadcast thier show and retain a semblance of respectability.
good night buffalo, and have a pleasant tomorrow.
richard phittswell : meta model 12/08-05/10