As you may have guessed from the title, the mixer is fixerd.
So now we can compress our signal again and broadcast at the level of quality you've come to expect (poor to mediocre? natch).
In solidarity with WikiLeaks, we are seeding the sitedump .torrent of all the secret government cables they released a few days ago--hop on Pirate Bay (or Demonoid if you have an account there) and grab those sweet, juicy files! The torrent itself will have "cablegate" in its name, and there are several versions from different dates. I figure there's probably more to read than the major newspapers have put out--perhaps things more useful on a grassroots level? We shall see, we the free!
One more note: our feed will be down until further notice, there's an error in the blogger gadget itself. We'll keep ya ... posted.
What's up all? Long time no see.......
Well, guess what? The Soundscape has been re-born as The Upstate
Soundscape. Head over to the new blog to check ...
13 years ago