It's been a lovely cold autumn day, the air is sweet and crisp, the leaves have rattled and fallen against the gale, and we here at FRB are recovering from the various bacchanalia of the weekend!
Our fundraiser last week was a success, netting us just over one hundred dollars in donations which will be put to good use paying our electricity and internet access fees. Several individuals inquired regarding alternate methods of donation--we're working on that. There will be a "donate" link here on the blog soon, so that you, our magnanimous benefactor, can conveniently support and help upgrade the station you love.
Special thanks to DJ Mushmouth for the tacos--invaluable fodder for a rough morning in the bunker!
Elections Tuesday--might I recommend a write-in candidate, our very own Mr. Richard Phittswell? Dick Phittswell for ... well, whatever post. It doesn't really matter. One sock puppet is as good as another.
Taking urine donations for the victory celebrations.
Clean pee only, thanks.
Love ya!
What's up all? Long time no see.......
Well, guess what? The Soundscape has been re-born as The Upstate
Soundscape. Head over to the new blog to check ...
13 years ago
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